Preliminary Program

June 10 Tuesday
16.00 Social program with registration ​​
18.00 Reception​​

June 11 Wednesday
08.30 Registration​ ​
08.30 Welcome​​
08.40 Session 1: The ECG Digital twin: forward, inverse, and data driven​​
10.15 Break​​
10.40 Session 2: Clinical Experiences with ECGI systems ​​
12.15 Lunch break​​
13.15 Session 3: Novel approaches in inverse ECG ​​
15.30 Coffee break ​​
– Posters ​
– ECGI Company demos​​
– Interactive TEAching of Medical 3D cardiac anatomy supported by Mixed Reality (iTeam 3D-MR) (hands-on-workshop)​​
​17.30 Closing ​​
19.00 Dinner

June 12 Thursday
08.30 Session 4: Submitted abstracts 1 ​​
10.15 Break​​
10.40 Session 5: Data driven inverse ECGI ​​
12.15 Lunch break​​
13.15 Session 6: Current challenges in ECG ​​
14.30 Session 7: Submitted abstracts 2​​
16.00 Coffee break ​​
– Posters ​
– ECGI Company demos other demos​​
– EduXR – Medical Education in an Extended Reality (hands-on workshop)​​
17.30 Closing​​
19.00 Dinner (optional, extra 50 euro)​​

June 13 Friday​
8.45 Session 8: Wrap-up talks ​​
10.00 Consortium for ECGI: what is the role for the consortium on ECGI​​
10.30 Conclusion and take-home messages​​
11.00 Coffee​​
12.00 Farewell​